Aug 13Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

As you may have seen in my note share....sometimes it's not just my motivation that leaves the building....it's ME 😂 I typically go out into the yard and sit in the grass with my dog several times a day and sometimes...if the timing is right, I don't go back to my desk at all.

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I love that you physically leave the building as you way to get energy. Nothing like rolling around in the grass with a dog and fresh air to get a burst of healthy natural energy. I would bet that when you do that, without even thinking about it, you are breathing better.

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Aug 14Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

Yes because it's outside air and I'm happy out there. Something about touching the ground and having a loving furball while I'm at it 😁

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Mama Peggy often came to my computer on the hour and commanded me to get up and go hug a tree! Yes, commanded. I come with genuine bossy genes 😁

She did than many times during the 20 years she shared our home.

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I love Mama Peggy! She’s one smart cookie

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Aug 13Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

What a wonderful read, as ever! I was diagnosed with narcolpesy in my youth and although I’ve come a loooong way in distancing myself from the illness and healing, I can still get very tired. Today, whilst co-working, I said ‘Im going to leave the Zoom room open but I gotta lie down for a nap.’ During tomorrow’s session, I’m going to do some real breathing throughout.

Also, side note: I love the expression for men…imagine you’re breathing into your balls. I’ve been doing that -sans the balls - and breathing down into my womb space before filling my lungs. If feels so nourishing. 🪄

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Wow. Narcolepsy. That's a whole interesting pathology...energetically I believe it is something about wanting to be in spirit world more than human world...which I can't blame anyone for.

Let me know how the breathing works during your Zoom.

AND I'M LAUGHING OUT LOUD about your breathing to the balls comment. It actually makes more sense to breathe to the womb. And there is a lot of truth to both those statements. The diaphragm muscle is a parachute shaped muscle that controls your breathing. When it stretches in breathing it tugs on the psoas muscles, which look like the ropes of the parachute and run down the spine and into the pelvis and connect to the pelvic floor. So when you breathe with your diaphragm, you actually are activating muscular energy all the way down to the womb or balls.

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Aug 14Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

Ahhh so interesting when you say: energetically I believe it is something about wanting to be in spirit world more than human world.

Exactly that. I say that it was essentially my way out of existing. My body was like, “Hey I got you…let’s just take you out of existence multiple times a day.” I like to joke that I was asleep both literally and metaphorically for 42 years! 😁

I love the science bit on breathing down…This year, I’ve been reeeeeally challenged by a fibroid. I truly believe I can heal it, or at least heal to the degree of not experiencing the horrific period pain. And part of that is breathing into the womb space.😮‍💨 This month, for the first time this year, I didn’t require any pain relief! Waaaahooooo!💃

You have so many skills and gifts. Appreciating you so very much. ♥️🪄

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honey, from my experience with fibroids with my clients…all women think they can heal them energetically and mindfully…and it hardly ever works. If you have a good doctor who recommends cutting it out, just cut that bitch out. you’ll feel so much better. I don’t usually recommend surgery, but in the case of fibroids…so worth it! Those damn fibroids are pernicious and tenacious bitches. they don’t let go!

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I hear you Teri, I do. It’s just that I’ve had some hardcore surgery down there and the thought of more leaves me cold. This month being more or less pain free was so magnificent, I feel the nudge to keep a going with it.

I’ve healed some pretty “pernicious and tenacious” things this last four years. ;o)

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"breathing into your balls" cracked me up, too! When I learned belly breathing, it proved highly effective

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Aug 14Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

i will definitely be trying this! i always need a mid-afternoon nap but it is so hard to get focused again.

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mid-afternoon naps are THE BEST! and sometimes they aren't feasible. That's why the breathing matters. Let me know how it goes.

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This is no suprise to me Teri but I admit the reminder is appreciated. I love your tips.

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Aug 13Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

I love them too. So simple yet so easily forgettable!

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I appreciate you Wendy, and your tips as well.

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Such a simple yet precious advice. In the everyday chaos of life, we forget to take a few deep breaths. When I'm overwhelmed with emotions or simply tired from the day, I often take a few minutes to take a few deep breaths, and just put my focus on how the oxygen is entering and leaving my body. It can be game changer! And yes, as you mentioned, better than coffee! Thanks for the reminder to do this more often!

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I'm on a mission this month to get people to breathe more. I'm glad you liked the reminder. Thank you for commenting.

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Okay, you got me. I am going to go out first thing tomorrow morning — to walk and to breathe deep.

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Just finished my morning walk-and-breathe. I feel buzzed and ready for the day. I hope yours goes the same.

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This is a terrific technique, Teri! I will definitely try it. As we age, it’s harder to reenergize. I don’t like naps because I don’t sleep as well at night. Love the post and the image!!

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So simple! Thanks for sharing this gem. I may need to turn back on the reminder to breath on my watch. :)

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It is so simple, and that's what makes it so hard to remember to do. HEnce the watch app. I gave my apple watch to my mom. I might have to invest in another.

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Aug 15Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

This was a good reminder. I’ll try to breathe more into my womb and also take a break every hour to deep breathe. 🌱

Thank you Teri for sharing!

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I'd love to hear how it works for you.

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Great tip Teri - I Look forward to sharing in my Sunday round up this week.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Author

I'm always honored when you share my stuff. I love your Sunday round-ups. I look for them every Sunday as i drink my coffee. For my readers...here it is...

(and JFT Beach, you always have my permission to share your posts on the comments in my articles).


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Just like any engine, we need air, fuel, and exhaust. Otherwise, the engine will fail to start or continue to stall.

Consciously doing what we do naturally (breathing) with mindful intention and technique can kickstart our afternoon productivity 💯

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YES! The little engine that did! I know I can...I know I can...

Love you Dr. Donna!

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Thanks for the reminder, Teri! 💯

This will be a great post about how Mama Peggy reframed a classic "The Little Engine That Could" by changing ONE word 🤗

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I remember that story you shared with me once about Mama Peggy reading to you. She is one brilliant Mama!

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Aug 14Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

Teri, real quick, just have to say I like the cover photo for this post A LOT.

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Thanks. it's my first effort at AI self-portrait art. It took a few tries. And, I think it turned out pretty well.

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Aug 15Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

I absolutely love it. I couldn’t tell of course that it’s AI. Thought I’d ask you who made it, and pretty cool to find out that you did. ☺️ Please make more of these. Which software are you using if I may ask.

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imagineme.ai I paid for credits and I uploaded 10 images of myself as a model. Then I type in a description of what I want the image to be based on the post I've written. i'd love to know what you think of next week's image when it comes out.

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This is a great reminder, Teri Leigh! When I work with clients for energy healing, supporting them to connect to their breath as a way to work with their own energy is the key foundation. Breath is life and when we tap into this ever present and immediate resource, we feel better so quickly! 🩵✨

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if only the whole world would learn to breathe better. I really think that would be the cure to war.

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I believe the same🙏🏻🎊 let’s get breathing practices to every school 🏫 in the world! It’s a lifetime project!

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Absolute true @TeriLeigh, love this piece: we know that oxygen is essential for us but we try snakcing ,coffees , napping , stretching… when all we actually need is to Breahte Deeply, diaphragmatically, and remind ourselves of that- a great example with your Apple watch reminder. It will become a habit and we won’t need a watch, or an app or any other reminder. It’s natural,simple, effective and it takes some practice! What we do need, is someone to take us by the hand and show us,help us do it right.

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Babies know how to breathe, but somehow as we age, we forget.

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We forget because stress kicks in already in kindergarten and at school. So our autonomic nervous system takes over and we “forget” to breathe naturally,diaphragmatically.

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