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The Only Thing Getting Lit This Weekend Is Your Aura & Chakras

Your Body's Beautiful 'Check Engine Light'


Dad bounded into the family room and nearly fell over with excitement as he took of his winter coat. He had just come from an intuitive development class, and he couldn’t wait to tell me what he learned.1

“People have these colors, a sort of energy, that radiates off of them. They are called auras!” he said, while waving his hands around and through his own aura. He kept talking so fast about what auras are and how they shift and change. “These auras are energy that emanates from these energy centers in the body called chakras!” He jumped up and down like a child on a pogo-stick as he talked. I’d never seen him so excited in my whole life.

Well duh. - how could Dad be a grown up and NOT know this?

I didn’t want to interrupt him because his aura was dancing like the colors of a kaleidoscope. It was fun to watch, so I sat down on the floor of the family room and patiently waited for him to finish.

“What are you thinking?” he asked as he finally started to wind down.

“You can’t see them, Dad? Right now yours is mostly blue.” I said rather matter-of-factly.

“And the chakras are kinda like lightbulbs while the aura is the light coming out of the chakra light bulbs.” And as I said that, fireworks started exploding out of his head.

So that’s what “mind-blown” looks like.

I was eleven years old. Little did I know, as a big-brown-eyed eleven year old who liked to read novels about fairies, that moment was the pixie dust sprinkling that eventually sparked into my life’s work.

Dad always said that his kids were his greatest teachers, and in that moment, he looked at me with his soft blue eyes and asked me earnestly, “Can you teach me how to see what you see?”

“I can try.”

For the next ten years, everywhere we went, Dad and I played “what color do you see?"

When I went off to college, my ability to see became a little too overwhelming, especially as I worked in schools with troubled youth. All the practice with Dad had fine tuned my abilities, and there were lots of times I could see and sense and feel things I didn’t want to know. For the next ten years, I learned to turn my sight on and off. While I never really stopped seeing I could stop paying attention, and I was able to tune out the auras in the same way people can not pay attention to what someone is wearing.

But then I attended my first yoga class, with mirrors. Something happened to my sight as I aligned my body, it opened up. I didn’t just see auras on the human bodies, I could also see the auras of words and affirmations coming out of the teacher’s mouth and how that energy landed and shifted the auras and energies of the students. I left that first class as animated and excited as Dad had been when he first learned that auras exist.

I became a yoga teacher so that I could study the power of posture, words, language, affirmation and intention to shift and change the auras and chakras of the people.

After just a couple years of teaching yoga, my students started asking for chakra readings. Since then, I’ve done over 3000 individual chakra readings for clients.

This video above is a sample of what a chakra reading is like.


I never really liked any of the definitions or explanations of chakras and auras that I found in books. Not only did the books fail to explain the details and intricacies of what I saw, but they also were just far too psychic-woo-woo-esoteric-mystical for my taste.

That explanation came to me when a chiropractor recommended I try acupuncture and showed me a chart of the Chinese meridians. He explained to me that the meridian lines ran along the same lines of the body as the nerve pathways.

Acupuncture: Chinese Health Practice. Body Points, Meridians, Needles ...

ding. ding. ding. ding.

Chakras are merely intersections of nerves. The nerves of the body are the electrical wiring system that transport messages and information through the body.

The seven main chakras run along the spine where the largest nerve pathway intersections exist. This also explained why I could see smaller chakras in different parts of the body than were depicted in the psychic manuals.

This got me curious about the word ENERGY, which brought me back to my high school physics class, and all the laws of physics taught in fifth grade. All matter is made of atoms and molecules. Atoms and molecules are constantly re-organizing themselves into different forms. That re-arranging is ENERGY.

The human body is a collection of dense atoms and molecules (that change and shift as energy). The human aura is a collection of non-dense atoms and molecules that emanate off the human body, and eventually “jump ship” to engage with other atoms and molecules within the environment.

As a super sensitive creature, I am blessed (and sometimes cursed) with this ability to sense* the non-dense energies of the world. We all feel this to some extent, for example, when someone invades our personal space, but doesn’t touch us, and we get that creepy tingle down the neck feeling. I just experience it with my senses more palpably than most people can.

*I say “sense” because reading chakras isn’t just about sight. It is about vibration, texture, density, tone, color, brightness, volume, and so much more. It’s a multi-sensory experience.

Chakra Readings

When people find out I can see their aura, the first question is always “what color am I?” But the answer to that question is impossible. What I see changes so radically from moment to moment that before I can get words get off my tongue the reading is irrelevant and changed.

Yup. The aura changes that fast. So no, I don’t do aura readings.

I do chakra readings because the chakras are more consistent. While yes, they do still change, their base energy is pretty steady. When read symbolically, I can give a pretty practical and realistic understanding of what is going on in your body, your life, and your energy from your chakras.

In order to read what is going on in a particular chakra, I look to what the purpose of the body parts, organs, and tissues are that are receiving messages through that chakra intersection. For example, the heart chakra lives in the center of the chest and transmits messages through the heart, lungs, arms, and hands. In general, those body parts are about giving and receiving. We grab things and give things with our hands. Our lungs take in air and let out air. Our heart pumps in blood and pumps out blood. Giving and receiving. So when I read the energy of the heart chakra, it is about reading that person’s ability to balance giving and receiving in their body and life.

When I give chakra readings, I read the balance of energies. Is your chakra excessive? too much energy moving through it that it gets clogged? Is your chakra deficient? not enough energy moving through it that it gets sluggish. Is your chakra extreme? swinging from too much to too little that it never finds a happy medium. Through a series of questions and conversations, I can determine what aspects of your life are conditioning your chakras to behave as they are and offer you practical “homework” to redirect the energies of your system to a more balanced medium.

One important detail to note. Chakras are never “open” or “closed”. If they are closed, just like a nerve pathway being CUT, the energy in the chakra would be dead. like a broken circuit. As long as you are physically alive, the chakra has energy moving through it. the question is, how much, and how efficiently is that energy moving, and how well is it able to adjust to the circumstances you bring to your life?

That adjustment of your chakras is key. Ultimate balance never happens because there are always outside circumstances of life impacting your energy. Rather, the goal is to achieve peak performance and efficiency by teaching your chakras to calibrate and adjust to whatever happens. when I do readings, I help you see where you are having difficult calibrating and adjusting, and I give you simple exercises to train your chakra “muscles” to adjust appropriately, no matter what you face in life.

I offer a one-time chakra reading to new clients for a discounted rate of $100 for 60minutes. In that time, like Sonaakshi did in this video, I will ask you some question so I can watch your chakras as you talk, and then I will offer you a chakra reading and explanation of your circumstances, and provide you simple “homework” to work towards adjusting and calibrating your chakras. In a one-hour call, I can usually get through 1-3 chakras.

Please note, one chakra reading will not give you instant magick healing results. You have to do the work. And because chakras are all interconnected, a universal systematic approach to working all of them is necessary for lasting change and transformation.

Get an Initial Chakra Reading


I recently had a conversation with Dad about this moment. He remembers it differently. He remembers me sitting at the kitchen table with him asking him “Dad? you don’t see them all the time?” While the general gist of the story is the same, someday when Dad writes his version of events, it may come out quite different in the details. Such is how the human brain works…

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