Aug 21Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

Oh my yes! I’ve had the same thing happen, but mine was at a football game in a college stadium. All these people were milling around pre game, pushing and shoving their way to food and drink vendors, and my husband at the time (who is 6’3”) took no notice where I was (about 20 feet behind him, stuck in the maelstrom. Husband past tense) Like you, I learned much later about belly breathing.

I think it should be mandatory to teach elementary kiddos meditation and belly breathing!

And PS. I love Andre the Giant, especially his rhyming. 🤗

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Andre rhymed with such gentle joy and glee!

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"What I hope you take-away from this little story is that when you need SPACE in your life, your body, your world, your self… JUST BREATHE!"--mission accomplished, dear Teri Leigh, as this is exactly what I am taking away from your brilliant piece today! So simple, so profound, and so easy to forget. A deep bow and a lotus for you 🪷🙏

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it worked for me really magickally today. somehow today ended up being one of those days that is full of SPACE. I post this article, and I look at my calendar and it has SPACE! I didn't plan this, It just happened. Magically. and I love it!

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The universe co-conspires to give us what we need! 🩵 As we say here in Jamaica, full joy, Teri Leigh! 💛🌈

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Teri an inspiring and educational read 💟 and thank you for the shoutout of a vagus nerve piece.🎊

It’s amazing how something as simple as deep, slower breathing has such a profound impact on our nervous system. Oxygen is life and we can use it so much better if we know how!

Your story really hit home for me, because this winter I was on one of those gigantic sightseeing wheels with my husband, the kind of wheels that offers views of the city. But as we started to climb higher, I suddenly feel my heart racing, felt very dizzy and wanted to throw up, as I had a huge dinner with some wine before that and I am not used to that quantities of food nor drink and my breathing gets faster.

The higher we went, the more trapped I felt, like there’s no way out and there wasn’t. I started to sing but It got even worst. And then the wheel stopped.

So I am aware: I do a VAGUS nerve stimulation by breathing, slow, deeper,diaphragmatic, with this hahahah sound on the back of my throat , it gets better, I feel calmer, but I can’t watch down, nor around me, I had to stare at one point as the wheel started moving again.

Slowely we went down and I shout out to a security person: “please stop to let me out, I have to go out” (there was one more round) they stoped and we went out…

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Aug 20Liked by Teri Leigh 💜

Teri, I was reading your post in front of my wife and she said "Hmmm! Que bonitos corazónes!" She really likes your colorful hearts that you put throughout your post! :)

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HAHA! I'm currently writing my Mindful Word post for the week. It's about the phrase "Yes, Thank You" and the power of accepting a compliment and gift when it is given. So, please share with Dalia that I am really proud of those rainbow hearts, and I think they are pretty darn cool too! Thank her for noticing!

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Teri Leigh, your story about the Taste of Minnesota was SO relatable! As a fellow introvert, I've definitely had those moments of feeling overwhelmed in crowds. Your description of needing Andre the Giant to clear a path – pure gold! It's amazing how our bodies mirror our internal state during panic attacks. Thanks for the reminder that sometimes, the best way to find space is to simply breathe.

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Thank you for taking the time to comment, Alexander. For the longest time in my life, I didn't know I was an introvert. I thought I was just "weird"...and I forced myself into extroverted settings. The results were usually some form of circumstances similar to this Taste of MN story. Now, I know better. I breathe better, and I avoid crowds. I'm so much happier.

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Yep. I brave crowds if I absolutely need to. But, I’ll choose odd times to go places so that I can enjoy the magic of the moment.

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That sounds like a horrible situation to be in, Teri. I too have experienced panic attacks and deep breathing has been somewhat helpful during those intense moments.

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